Conscious sedation is usually used for people who panic or feel anxious or uncomfortable during complicated procedures such as root canals, fillings, or routine cleanings. Certain medical professionals mentioned conscious sedation as procedural sedation and analgesia. Previously, it’s been referred to as sleep dentistry, twilight sleep, happy or laughing gas, or comfortable air.
What Are The Steps Followed For Conscious Sedation?
The steps for conscious sedation may vary from one procedure to another. Typically, it might be like this:
The effects of conscious sedation differ from one person to another. Once the sedative starts taking effect, negative emotions, stress, or anxiety will vanish. You will have a feeling of drowsiness and relaxation, as well.
You will feel tingling in your body, especially in your arms, legs, hands, and feet. This might be accompanied by heaviness or laziness that makes it hard for you to lift or even move your limbs. The world around you slows down for a while.
The most common side effects are drowsiness, heaviness or laziness, memory loss about what happened throughout the procedure or amnesia, slow reflexes, low blood pressure, headache, and feeling sick.
How About The Recovery?
Please find out more about conscious sedation as you visit our office.
Call Sun-Park Dental today at (916) 435-1155 or request an appointment online.
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